Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Twisted fairytale

If you have read my first post "My first time" you will have read that i am writing (or trying to write) my first novel. It will be a chic-lit, its what i know best and they say to write about what you know. I figured out (possibly later than i should have) that all those fairytales you are read at a young age aren't necessarily true. So, i am trying to make my novel a twisted real life fairytale. I completely believe that there is someone for everyone, that sometimes there may be even two people. I believe that love is a beautiful yet sometimes painful part of everyones life and no matter what you choose to do, avoid it like the plague or throw yourself into it head first you should treat it like a roller coaster - it will stop when it needs to and its up to you if you choose to get off or stay on, you may laugh, cry, scream or be in complete shock but embrace it and learn from it. Love can be very different and 9 times out of 10 it wont be the same but you can guarantee that the same emotions will be stirred inside of you.
I have also found that my best writing is done at night, i write very differently during the day. I don't know if this is normal as i have never met anyone else who has attempted to write a book.
I am guessing its different for everyone.
Recently i have been panicking about how i should end it. I know how i would like it to end but i don't think its going too. Instead i have come up with a cunning plan of an alternative ending that can, if i choose, lead onto another book!!
Luckily for me my dear friend has an English degree and is soooo very kindly reading and tweaking what i am writing before i send it off to be scrutinised by the big bad wolves of the novel world!!
So keep your eyes, ears and always your hearts open, you never know when there maybe Butterflies.....

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