Wednesday, June 08, 2011


I cant decide if i am extremely indecisive or i just like a multitude of different things.

A perfect example is my daughter's name.
I don't not like it anymore, but i don't love it either. I wish i had of called her something else and the worse thing is, she also wishes i had too. I think the reason behind calling her something i didn't love was everyone else and the pressure. We (her dad and I) named her straight away and i think that's where we went wrong. We should have waited and seen the type of person she was first, but no, we rushed into it.

I am the same with my book.
As i am re reading it to edit it i am finding i want to change bits, not that i am not happy with it so far but i have read it so many times already i think i am bored...
I have also come up with three different endings. Two of which are a definate end and the third leaves a follow on book availible. Which is risky - because what if the first doesn't get published or it totally bombs... Again, Indecisive!!

Maybe i just get bored very easily. Now this is a bad thing and to be honest, now i am thinking about it, that ties up with a lot of things surrounding my life.
General day to day stuff

However, when something is really great and interesting that i can get my teeth fully into it, i am all over it. I love it, i give it my everything.
Wow, all of this thinking about me as a person is really confusing me... I should go eat lunch and zone out to some daytime TV!!

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