Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Cleverly put together words = Quotes

One thing that really gets my mind ticking and sometimes even clear it are "Quotes" is possibly one of the best sites i have found, whether you want to type in the subject of a quote or if you know the author of the quote. They have everything. Even lines from songs. You can submit your favourite quotes and my favourite part, you get to create your own virtual book. Here you can create chapters and add quotes that you come across to the relevant chapters in your book.
Sometimes if i have posted on here, stalked a few friends on Facebook, seen what's going on with the famous people on Twitter, i will go on here and find a quote that mirrors how i am feeling that day. This will then become my Facebook status update.
My favourite's usually come from E.E Cummings, Lewis Caroll and Dr Suess. Winnie the Pooh can even say some very amusing things also!!
Take a look yourself and create your own book, see how they make you feel.... Warm, giggly, subdued, angry? Let me know.

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