Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My first time...

I have never really looked at anyone else's blogs, nor am i really computer literate. However, like a lot of things in life, people have spoken about it, commented, posted links and all the rest of it. So i thought, why the hell not, I'm going to give this "Blogging" a go. Better late than never - so, i am jumping on the already overcrowded bandwagon and starting NOW!!
If i enjoy it, I'll carry on, if i get bored I'll take a time out and if i hate it then I'll stop and delete it all together.

So what will it be about?
My musings, interests, struggles with writing my first chic-lit, travels and exploring the weird and wonderful mind that is my own.
You will find all the little things that run through my mind and adventures i go on. Thoughts and feelings to quotes, websites and recommendations. The reason for my title, because people tell me I live in my own little bubble!!
Here's hoping i enjoy it.... here's hoping you and many more do too!!

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