Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Birdy - Skinny Love [Official Video]

A current favourite song of mine... I was even happier when i was watching my weekly dose of "The Vampire Diaries" and it was featured on there. Although had you have seen me you wouldn't have thought i was happy, there was in fact tears streaming down my cheeks and i was sobbing.
Songs and music are a huge part of my life and certain songs will remind me of certain people, even if they're not aware of it.
I have just made my Mum a compilation CD for her birthday with all the music on that reminds me of being a little girl. This is of course predominately made up of songs by Diana Ross and The Supremes. I was inspired to do this when i heard Charlene's "I've never been to paradise but Ive been to me" on Radio 2 one day and memories of been small came rushing back. Its amazing how music can stir so many feelings and emotions, it can change my mood from happy to subdued and visa versa.
Only when i am 100% truly sad i cannot listen to music. I have an ability to pull out lines and memorize lyrics. I will associate in some way, any song that comes on the radio to my current state of mind, and let me tell you - that is not good!!

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