Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Lost in the TV world...

A complete guilty pleasure of mine is Glee and i have many more, not just TV!! I watched last weeks episode on Saturday evening which featured he album "Rumours" by Fleetwood Mac. A band i never knew how much i enjoyed until the cast started singing and i in fact knew the majority of the words. Two of my favourite - You can go your own way and Songbird, the lyrics to both stopped me in my tracks and gave me that squidgy feeling inside.. another classic example of what music can do you to you!!
I have noticed, that a lot of the Glee episodes are doing this to me recently and making me remember different songs that i love that i haven't heard in ages and it feels god.
I don't care what people say Glee is a good show, its like High School Musical for adults!! It has that happy factor to it.. Fabulous songs, hot boys and hotter girls.
Its shows like this that i love to Sky + I will then, when i have a quiet hour to myself watch them and loose myself in a world of make-believe/real life drama.
My top shows that i love to loose myself in are as follows - in no particular order:

Sex and the city - What's not to love - The girls, the clothes, the antics, the laughs and the tears.

Vampire Diaries - VERY HOT brothers. Fabulous soundtrack.

Entourage - TOO COOL

Desperate Housewives - Who would have guessed that all happens on Wisteria Lane!

Cougar Town - ALWAYS cheers me up. Complete laugh out loud moments

Hellcats - My 11 yr old daughters fault. Its because they can really dance and i cant - oh and they're all hot!

Gossip Girl - Oh how the other half live: xoxo

Glee - Already explained above!!

TOWIE - Its like Marmite - Love it or Hate it.

Ghost Whisperer - I love supernatural stuff and Melinda's wardrobe is to die for.

Waterloo Road - Been watching forever and now have got my daughter into it!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

By the click of a button

I love coming across new websites. Whether it is a blog, shopping site, recipe site, song lyric site i love finding them.
Do you find yourself flicking through a magazine and you see an item that you love and it says "Availible from then you do exactly that and forget. Well in my Blackberry i have a memo set up for this exact thing where i will make a note of it to then visit at a later date.
I have just read an article about Gwyneth Paltrow in this weeks net-a-porter; I subscribed to this online magazine as it is full of "On Trend" fashion tips, beauty tips and interviews. It gets e mailed to me every week and i can peruse it at my leisure. Don't get me wrong, the pieces that you have the option to buy are what most people can only dream of buying. Matthew Williamson, Etoile Isabel Marant, Stella McCartney and so on. The beauty products are on the same level. However you can still get an idea from it and make it work for you.
As i was saying, whilst reading this, i came across the Gwinne interview and she has her own Blog/Website - i never knew this, but then i also never knew she could sing till i saw her on Glee, or cook, till i saw she had brought out a recipe book. This woman is amazing. I always loved her as an actress but her talents go so much further than just acting, and she is married to the front man of Coldplay - Chris Martin!! So here is the link, see what you think.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Birdy - Skinny Love [Official Video]

A current favourite song of mine... I was even happier when i was watching my weekly dose of "The Vampire Diaries" and it was featured on there. Although had you have seen me you wouldn't have thought i was happy, there was in fact tears streaming down my cheeks and i was sobbing.
Songs and music are a huge part of my life and certain songs will remind me of certain people, even if they're not aware of it.
I have just made my Mum a compilation CD for her birthday with all the music on that reminds me of being a little girl. This is of course predominately made up of songs by Diana Ross and The Supremes. I was inspired to do this when i heard Charlene's "I've never been to paradise but Ive been to me" on Radio 2 one day and memories of been small came rushing back. Its amazing how music can stir so many feelings and emotions, it can change my mood from happy to subdued and visa versa.
Only when i am 100% truly sad i cannot listen to music. I have an ability to pull out lines and memorize lyrics. I will associate in some way, any song that comes on the radio to my current state of mind, and let me tell you - that is not good!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tilly Lou Loves...

Anything make-believe where you can loose yourself in another world

Barcelona - As a city, as a holiday destination and of course Gaudi

Cupcakes - I'd say all flavours but i hate banana's! My favorite - Red Velvet!
Marilyn Monroe - She was fun, flirty, fabulous and gorgeous, in a glamorous way

The smell of freshly cut grass - its up there with the smell of fresh laundry after its been dried outside

Venice -  The epitome of beautiful. Full of character, Rustic and Romantic

Reading - Mostly books, magazines for me are there for you to flick through. You can loose yourself in a good book!!

FOOD!! Especially Italian food - If i wasn't into pretty clothes and shoes, i would be fat, i am sure!!

Movies - In particular, Audry Hepburn movies. My movie of choice all depends on my mood

I love LOVE - All the feelings that come with it, the butterflies, the fireworks surrounding your head, the warm fuzziness. What is there not to LOVE!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My first time...

I have never really looked at anyone else's blogs, nor am i really computer literate. However, like a lot of things in life, people have spoken about it, commented, posted links and all the rest of it. So i thought, why the hell not, I'm going to give this "Blogging" a go. Better late than never - so, i am jumping on the already overcrowded bandwagon and starting NOW!!
If i enjoy it, I'll carry on, if i get bored I'll take a time out and if i hate it then I'll stop and delete it all together.

So what will it be about?
My musings, interests, struggles with writing my first chic-lit, travels and exploring the weird and wonderful mind that is my own.
You will find all the little things that run through my mind and adventures i go on. Thoughts and feelings to quotes, websites and recommendations. The reason for my title, because people tell me I live in my own little bubble!!
Here's hoping i enjoy it.... here's hoping you and many more do too!!