Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Naked Truth

I love Vanity Fair.
Its possibly one of the only magazines that comes through to me that has such a diverse range of topics and a wide variety of fabulous writers. All of which i can really get into and almost hear them as i am reading (Something which is important to me - if i don't do this i loose interest)

This week my magazine came through and straight away i was drawn to the piece named:
The Sleekest, Sexiest, Curviest in Nude Portraiture—an Archive of V.F.’s “Best Undressed”
Archive Photos: Vanity Fair’s Classic Nude Portraits Culture Vanity Fair

This is an article with 28 photos of the best naked people that have been photographed over the years.
It is beautiful.
As i was looking at all of these people, men and women i got to thinking how each and every photo spoke so many words. I imagined the same photo but with the person wearing clothes and the image was so very different.
There was something about all of these naked people that oozed truth, longing, passion and a deeper meaning to them. This wouldn't be possible with clothes on. You could almost see their fears and desires.

It made me think of what my professional photo would be like if i too was to pose naked. Would it open my eyes to what i possibly attempt to block out.
Then i thought - what if when we wanted the truth from people, we simply sat them down naked?

Having just come out of a relationship with someone whom i truly cared for but he turned out to not in fact care for me, for a longer period of time that was necessary and in turn put me through months of hoping and wishing, trying and wanting. I thought - if i had of sat you down five months ago and had all the conversations that i tried to have with you in that time and failed to get any answers, but done it naked - would you have possibly told me the truth?
Would you have saved me five months by simply saying " I'm sorry, i don't love you. I don't want to be with you and in all honesty would rather not be your friend right now!" The sentence he actually TEXT to me after a dramatic exchanging of belongings.
Would i have been able to see the truth through his nakedness?
I guess i will never know this time, but do you think any future partners i may have will mind if i take this route?
Hopefully i will find someone who can be truthful with their clothes on as well as off and once they are off there is a totally different way of figuring out their fears and desires!!

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