Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Buses dont always run to the timetables

So if you have read any of my posts you'll have learned that i finished with my boyfriend a few weeks ago. There was no love lost - so don't feel sorry for me. He in fact turned out to be not a nice person, a liar as such.
In all fairness to my feminine instinct (which i should have bloody listened to) i knew it was never going to last!!
Despite knowing this it is still upsetting when something comes to an end in your life. I mean I've gotten upset over a pudding finishing, or a good Italian dish!! So something you've invested a lot of time in is bound to be upsetting.
However, out of all of this i have learnt a very important lesson; a lesson in fact that another ex of mine tried to teach me a long time ago, and that is, not everyone is like me. Not everyone follows through with what they say. Sometimes people say things and don't actually do it. I don't understand this and i find it very pointless. It has taken me many, many years to get my head around it and current ex seems to have been the one who has finally made me get to grips with it.
Maybe its because i always try and see the good in people. Who knows, but had i of grasped this prior to my ex then i wouldn't have been so upset when i never received my birthday present (a 40 inch flat screen TV) I wouldn't have been shocked that we didn't book our trip to Morocco or New York and dating back to our first week of our relationship and the promise of going to Jazz clubs together - guess what, we never went to one of them either.

So i am now a single girl again. At first when "the ex" decided to post it on Facebook that he was "no longer in a relationship" i freaked. I wasn't ready to deal with the endless questions. Alas i did and with the questions came the offers. Not of a shouldn't to cry on (i had that from my amazing girlfriends of course) but the offers from guy friends. It seems as though a number of my guy friends were rather happy to offer their "services!" Not what i was looking for at that time, so i graciously declined their offer for the time being!
This made me somewhat depressed, is that all i was good for, why did they not want to date me?
I am a little old fashioned and i love the idea of dating someone, doing it properly so to speak - the hopeless romantic coming out in me again.
Then the offers of dates started coming. I had someone whom i had just met a few weeks prior wanting to come and meet me. I was going to cook for us, a bottle of wine or 2, film, chatting, the norm.... He cancelled THREE HOURS BEFORE!!!
Then i had a long term on/off interest ask me out to dinner. He is amazing company and this i was excited about..... He cancelled, twice. For work (his job is demanding so fair enough) Said he'd be in touch on his return (Sunday afternoon) to do something that night.... 10.30PM he got in touch. He'd been with his friends!!
Then Mr Long Distance. He wanted to come to my city for a night out.... Didn't cancel, just wouldn't commit to a date.
Then another new one, a friend of a friend. Who i shouldn't slate just yet - he has asked me out to lunch. So far our diaries have not had the same opening - so we shall see.
And finally.... The one i hoped would not..... mentioned getting together twice this week. I am still waiting! I have hinted. Short of saying - So are we getting together this weekend or not i don't know what else to do!

So to sum this up:
Men =Buses = Don't run to the timetable as shown = What men say and what men do are two VERY different things!
GIRLS - Wait. Actions speak louder than words and until your there or until your holding it, don't count on it arriving!!

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