Conscious, alert, attentive, awake, responsive, sentient, interested, perceptive.
Being very aware and perceptive is one of these things and i
Then i started to think, am i aware? I know half the time i feel asleep, definitely not awake. Or am i in fact just curious?So i put the word "curious" into my thesaurus it spat the following words back at me:
Inquisitive, interested, enquiring, questioning, probing, nosy, prying and snooping.
Hmmm, definitely inquisitive and questioning and on seeing a link on my Vanity Fair email quite possibly nosy:
Photos: The 2011 Vanity Fair Oscar Party:
As i flicked through the fabulous photos of all the famous people, some beautiful and some aged. I realised i loved the photos that weren't posed for, the ones that they didn't know had been taken. In them there was more of a story and more character to the person. It lead me to start wondering what they were thinking, talking about and laughing at. Yet whilst thinking about all of this, my eyes were flicking around the picture, looking at the people in the background and what was going on around them.
I have a rule when taking my own photos, mainly in places of interest, and that is, always turn around after you have shot your subject, you never know what delights are behind you. From following this rule i have seen and captured so many beautiful sights i would have missed otherwise.
So i conclude with, i may be aware, i may be perceptive, sometimes I'm awake, sometimes i am nosy, but overall i am 100% totally and utterly, without rhyme or reason, curious. have often thought this, usually whilst driving and spotting magpies, not two of them but just the one, which in the rhyme is for sorrow, this i feel is not good! When i spy him i do the mandatory salute and the line "Hello Mr Magpie, hows your wife and kids" Then i think to myself, god damn being so aware. If i wasn't looking around so much i wouldn't have seen this bird, which could consequently bring me bad luck today.