Well, its been a while since i wrote here... So much going on in my head and around it i couldn't get any words out at all. Even my book came to a stand-still!
So i am back... today with an insight into those god awful things we on here like to call "Buses"
I had been feeling pretty good even after trying out new bus runs and them literally going nowhere.
Then a number of things occurred, an anniversary i didn't want to remember came (and i remembered) and those buses that didn't go anywhere only tried to get back on the route!!
Now after a few weeks of contending with this, and i have to say, it got me down quite a bit - there was a lot of cake eaten and even more wine consumed, not to mention a number of tears shed but i am slowly but surely coming back. With more lessons learned and now to be shared.
I have come across three main types of buses - neither of which are good candidates for that long distance road trip (although you desperately want them to be)
The one stop shop
You cant actually fault this bus. There is no false pretense. No pretending. No false hope. Where they want to go is laid out very clearly in back and white. They have one destination in mind and they do not want to go any further.
Destination Panties
This is all well and good, if you too only want to go to this destination.
However, sometimes you can have too many buses only wanting to take you to this destination and then you start to think "What is wrong with me? Why am i only good for this one thing? Why do i not deserve the road trip, the long distance bus?
What i have also found from the majority of my girlfriends and guy friends for this scenario, is in fact they both start off wanting the same destination and then one half of passengers decide they want to go further into the journey. This sometimes leads onto the "Destination Dodger" In other cases you can in fact get complete honesty, and if this happens, be thankful. You both signed up to the same journey at the end of the day.
The destination dodger
This bus starts off great. There in front of you is a small map, it outlines where you are going and you get on this bus because its where you want to go.
However, as your journey gets further in it starts to go off course. You ask what's happening but it still carries on going off in another direction. Then it'll go back on its correct course, only to then divert again later!
What we are dealing with here is buses with no balls!
I wont call them liars as i feel that is a strong word and for all we know (as ever the optimist) there may be a little bit of truth in what they say, or they may actually WANT to carry out and go through with what they have said.
"I'll call you when i get back from my trip away" = SIX WEEKS later (the trip ended a day after the call) another call. "Hey, how you doing, so when shall we go for dinner? How about Sunday, cosy pub, Roast Beef and Yorkshire puddings? OK, I'll call you Sunday morning and let you know where i booked" = Sunday morning text message - Sorry, somethings come up, can i call you tonight and we'll re-arrange for in the week"
"Do you fancy the movies tomorrow night? Cool, you check times and let me know" = Girl checks times, text's with all relevant information only to hear NOTHING! Are you out tonight? Great, I'll text you later when i get out and we can meet for a drink = No text and completely ignored when you do finally see them!
THEN, there's the classic
This one follows through with the route for quite sometime. Sometimes it shows signs of diverting but never does. Until you realise as much as your still heading in what seems to be the right direction its down a totally different road. They're now, so to speak "Leading you down the garden path"
You put up with it for a while until it becomes too much and you decide to confront the driver and BANG. Your bus crashes. Everything they said, everything they did, the route you were both so happily on was in fact NOT the road you had thought.
What i do not understand here is "Why?"
Why say things that your not going to follow through with? Why suggest something if in fact you have no intention of following it through. Why waste your own time, never mind someone else's?
Finally we have which could be the worse one
Engine Failure
The bus is there. It has the right destination. It looks fabulous. You like how it seems.
As you approach the bus it is welcoming. It wants you to get on, so that's what you do. You sit and marvel at how unbelievably amazing it is. The bus is your pod and you are the pea.
You sit on the bus for quite some time. Enjoying every second of it. This is the greatest bus EVER. You could easily fall in love with this bus.
Then you realise. The bus isn't going anywhere. The map shows your starting point. It shows that it is a long distance route, but there are no directions. No roads to wind through. No bumps to overcome.
This bus has become your best friend. Your confidant. Yet for whatever reason, and there is so many in this case, sometimes it is as simple (even if it is a bit harsh) as that you find everything about the bus fantastic apart from the exterior. Yes, this is a shallow reason but its animal instinct, you NEED to want to literally jump on the bus!
How can this be, how can the gods of fate, love and destiny throw this bus into your equation?
After you have dealt with all the other buses, finally you think you have found "The One" This is what you want - isn't it?
In fact the only place your going to go, is back home. The bus will always be there for you but unfortunately will never BE THERE for you....
Or will it?
If you have any answers, logical explanations. Whether your a girl or a boy, then do comment. Please help everyone out there that may read this and think "Damn, yes, thats so right!"
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